Team: Deadtroit Lions
Position: Linebacker
Fright value of card: Two cubes
Key 1994 splat: None (frozen solid for entire season)
Allow us to break the ice: Quarterbacks were frozen in fear in 1993 when Pat Swilling stepped on the field. The outside linebacker had ice in his veins; a monster of his kind hadn't been seen since William "The Refrigerator" Perry. For running backs, it was the winter of their discontent, as Swilling was as relentless as he was cold-hearted. As the back of this card reads, Swilling possessed the power and speed to put opposing teams "in the deep freeze," and he never warmed to the possibility of defeat. In the heat of battle, Swilling wouldn't get cold feet. As he told coach Wayne Fontes in 1993, "It'll be a cold day in hell when 'Chillin'' doesn't make a quarterback shiver."

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