Dale Murray, 1984 Topps

Wendell Magee Jr., 1997 Fleer Ultra

Wendell Magee Jr., 1997 Fleer Ultra
Phil Nevin, 1992 Topps Team USA

Phil Nevin, 1992 Topps Team USA
Don Mattingly, 1991 Studio (Studio Saturday No. 2)

Don Mattingly, 1991 Studio (Studio Saturday No. 2)
Derrick Thomas, Neil Smith, 1993 Skybox (Football Friday No. 69)
Team: Kansas City Chiefs
Positions: Linebacker, defensive end, respectively
Value of card: One broken taillight
Key 1993 stat: About a million sacks, combined
It's a Matchup between two sackmasters:
Round 1: Standing in traffic (Winner: Tie)
Round 2: Head roundness (Winner: Smith)
Round 3: Not getting in the way of genius "RUSH HOUR" lettering (Winner: Thomas)
Round 4: Pants hitched up to armpits (Winner: Smith)
Round 5: Prominence of lace-up crotch (Winner: Smith)
Round 6: Badassery (Winner: Thomas)
Round 7: Respect for that terrible Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan movie (Winner: Neither)
Round 8: Bulge (Winner: Thomas)
Round 9: Love of ketchup (Winner: Smith)
Final score: Smith 4, Thomas 3 (Ties: 2)
Synopsis: Derrick Thomas may have had the more memorable career, but it's Neil Smith who's the big Chief today. It's a good thing he had his crotch laced up so tightly. More importantly, "Rush Hour" sucked.

Derrick Thomas, Neil Smith, 1993 Skybox (Football Friday No. 69)
Bob Horner, 1981 Topps

Bob Horner, 1981 Topps
Bob Rodgers, 1991 Topps

Bob Rodgers, 1991 Topps
Dustin Hermanson, 1995 Upper Deck Star Rookie

Dustin Hermanson, 1995 Upper Deck Star Rookie
Eric Rasmussen, 1981 Topps
Team: San Diego Padres
Position: Pitcher
Value of card: Abject loneliness
Key 1980 stat: Four dates
Transcript from Eric Rasmussen's client tape for Beards & Beauties Video Dating Service, circa 1981: "Hi ladies. (Looks offstage) You're only showing this to women, right? OK, good. (Back to camera) My name's Eric and I'm a professional baseball player, no matter what those knuckleheads on the sports radio shows say. (Laughs to self) But enough about that. From what the folks here have told me, if you're watching this, you're into face fur. So, let me tell you a little bit about my beard. Its name is Cody and it's 3 years old. I'm told it smells lightly of cornbread and Hai Karate, though I'm so used to it, I can't really tell any more. They're not here right now, but during the fall, a small family of sparrows nests in it for a couple of weeks before moving on as part of their migratory route. During this time, I'm largely unable to comb or clean Cody, so he can get a little messy. Still, I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you wouldn't either. Call me, and let's start a little love nest of our own."

Eric Rasmussen, 1981 Topps
Elliot Perry, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 7)
Team: Charlotte Hornets
Position: Guard
Value of card: It's hard to see the value of this card
Key 1992-93 stat: 44 times arrested by the fashion police
Pop-a-shot quiz: Which of these items failed to penetrate Elliot Perry's face windshield?
A) A power drill
B) A spear made of diamonds
C) Shrapnel from the rim Perry just exploded with yet another brick
D) Karl Malone's elbows
E) All of the above
Fashion fun fact: After signing with Phoenix in 1994, Perry ditched his Chris Sabo specials. Instead, he started wearing socks up to his groin.

Elliot Perry, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 7)
Rumeal Robinson, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 6)
Team: Atlanta Ha — no, wait, New Jersey Nets
Positions: Guard, off-balance
Value of card: A week-old scab
Key 1992-93 stat: One U-Haul rented
Fun facts about the trade that sent Rumeal Robinson from Atlanta to New Jersey:
- The Nets loved Robinson's unorthodox shooting style, which involved scooping the ball toward the hoop then falling to the ground in pain.
- Hawks coach Bob Weiss never trusted Robinson, mostly because he never believed his first name was Rumeal.
- In return, the Hawks received Roy Hinson, Mookie Blaylock, Mookie Wilson and a housecat named Mookie.
- It was the first time Robinson was traded. It definitely was not the last.
- Robinson actually demanded the trade. I mean, who wouldn't want to live in New Jersey?

Rumeal Robinson, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 6)
Will Smith, 1991-92 NBA Hoops Stay In School (Basketball Week No. 5)
Team: Bel-Air Academy Peacocks
Position: Actor
Value of card: Half a jacket
Key 1991-92 stat: Zero hats worn correctly
The legend of the Fresh Prince: Will Smith was born in West Philadelphia, Pa., to a single mother. Smith grew into a street-smart teenager, spending most of his days on the playground, where he would hang out, "max," relax all cool, and often play basketball near his learning institution. Trouble arose in 1990, when two young men invaded Smith's neighborhood, causing chaos by picking people up and spinning them around on their shoulders. Smith encountered these ruffians one afternoon — and did not fare well in the ensuing fight. His mother, fearful of seeing her son's life wasted, decided to send him to stay with her sister's family in Bel-Air, Calif. Smith, terrified of flying, decided to take a taxi to California, a trip that cost just under $23,000. The cabby's eccentricities — dice hanging from his mirror, a personalized license plate, an unseemly odor — made the trek a rare one. Smith arrived at his new home around 7:30 p.m., bid his driver farewell, and quickly became a royal pain in the butt to his obese uncle and his aunt, who underwent an amazing transformation around Season 3.
And now that you're dying to hear it: Here's the theme song.

Will Smith, 1991-92 NBA Hoops Stay In School (Basketball Week No. 5)
Danny Manning, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 4)
Team: Los Angeles Clippers
Position: Forward
Value of card: SLAM
Key 1992-93 stat: SLAM SLAM SLAM
Baseball Card Bust's critique of the fine artwork on this card: The thing that strikes us right away is Danny Manning's nervousness. The reason behind this anxiety is clear. The fans at the bottom right, some of whom appear to be developmentally disabled, others of whom are wearing funny hats, are pressuring Manning to SLAM. Manning isn't sure what to make of this monosyllabic demand — he's confused and wary. The image of him at the bottom is symbolic of his inner reaction. He's holding the ball aloft, indicating his respect for the game, but he's also holding it loosely, indicating his lack of confidence in his abilities. The image of Manning at top shows his outer self: sweatier than a fat man in a Fourth of July 10K. All in all, this painting demonstrates both the importance of self-belief and the importance of SLAM.

Danny Manning, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 4)
Malik Sealy, 1992-93 Upper Deck NBA Draft (Basketball Week No. 3)

Malik Sealy, 1992-93 Upper Deck NBA Draft (Basketball Week No. 3)
Bernard King, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 2)

(D) Because he'd be full of powder, then become a shell of his old self.

Bernard King, 1992-93 Upper Deck (Basketball Week No. 2)
Scott Skiles, 1992-93 NBA Hoops (Basketball Week No. 1)

Scott Skiles, 1992-93 NBA Hoops (Basketball Week No. 1)
Mike Parrott, 1981 Topps
- Parrott, despite his last name, didn't have feathers. He had 14 inches of feathery locks.
- Parrott didn't wear sunglasses to block the sun. He wore them to intimidate it.
- Parrott didn't like birds. He flipped them.
- Parrott didn't repeat phrases. He didn't repeat phrases.
- Parrott didn't live in a cage. He kept his mullet in one.

Mike Parrott, 1981 Topps
Black & Decker, 1991 Studio (Studio Saturday No. 1)

Black & Decker, 1991 Studio (Studio Saturday No. 1)
Erik Howard, 1991 Pro Line Portraits (Football Friday No. 68)

Erik Howard, 1991 Pro Line Portraits (Football Friday No. 68)
Darren Daulton, 1993 Studio

Darren Daulton, 1993 Studio
Jerry Koosman, 1984 Donruss

Jerry Koosman, 1984 Donruss
Heathcliff Slocumb, 1998 Fleer Ultra
Team: Seattle Mariners
Position: Closer
Value of card: Great vengeance
Key 1997 stat: Furious anger
Anger management: Some men have a short fuse. Heathcliff Slocumb made those men look like Gandhi. So how irate was he?
- He once punched a pizza delivery guy for giving him too much change.
- He snarled more than Cujo.
- He had to buy new dentures every six months because he constantly ground his teeth together.
- He charged the mound — during batting practice.
- He pounded the strike zone.
- One time, he even put Robin Ventura in a headlock. No, wait, that was somebody else.

Heathcliff Slocumb, 1998 Fleer Ultra
Gary Carter, 1985 Topps Traded
Team: New York Mets
Position: Catcher
Value of card: Two tickets to the gun show
Key 1984 stat: 365 muscle shirts worn
Help us decide: What should we call Gary Carter's hairstyle? Vote now!
A) The Amazin' Mulletfro
B) Rocky Raccoon
C) The Sliding Wig
D) The Chia Pet
E) The Big Denial
F) The Fivehead Shrub
G) Keith Hernandez
H) Nothing In The Front, Party In The Back

Gary Carter, 1985 Topps Traded
Edgar Martinez, 1996 Upper Deck Special Report
Team: Seattle Mariners
Position: Designated hitter
Value of card: Half a frequent flier mile
Key 1995 stat: Five minutes wearing a glove
Breaking news: For its 1996 set, Upper Deck decided it was time to update the baseball-card-buying public on the effect Edgar Martinez was having on the world. It also decided 17 different fonts were needed to present its findings. Among the more impressive discoveries:
- Mexico was losing 12 gallons of tequila a month to Martinez's voracious thirst.
- Canada's ozone layer was being depleted because of his flatulence, which drifted north.
- Puerto Ricans started eating an average of five more pounds of food a week once Martinez came to the United States.
- Seattle's Kingdome had to be structurally reinforced in case Martinez ever had to dive for anything.
- The rare boneless pig was forced to the edge of extinction once Edgar discovered the McRib.
- Japan's top three sources of entertainment were Hello Kitty, the Power Rangers and Martinez's belly.
- The world's supply of barbecue sauce dropped exponentially for every pound Edgar put on.
- People on the East Coast of the U.S. realized for the first time that Seattle had a baseball team.

Edgar Martinez, 1996 Upper Deck Special Report
Walter Johnson, 1983 Donruss Hall of Fame Heroes

Walter Johnson, 1983 Donruss Hall of Fame Heroes
Rickey Jackson, 1994 Topps Stadium Club Members Only (Football Friday No. 67)

Rickey Jackson, 1994 Topps Stadium Club Members Only (Football Friday No. 67)
Mike Schmidt, 1986 Fleer Baseball's Best

Mike Schmidt, 1986 Fleer Baseball's Best
Turk Wendell, 1994 Upper Deck

Turk Wendell, 1994 Upper Deck
Jim Abbott, 1993 Upper Deck Community Heroes
Team: California Angels
Positions: Pitcher, babysitter
Value of card: One worthless autograph
Key 1992 stat: 1,952 children insulted
Top 10 most incredible things about this card:
10) Jim Abbott's utter disdain for all the children around him
9) That red-headed kid's shirt
8) That red-headed kid's haircut
7) That kid in the foreground's haircut
6) The dude in the sunglasses
5) Seriously, who is that guy?
4) The fact that Upper Deck thought Jim Abbott's name was Checklist
3) Jim Abbott's mullet
2) Jim Abbott's mullet
1) Jim Abbott's freaking mullet

Jim Abbott, 1993 Upper Deck Community Heroes
Frank Viola, 1991 Score K-Man
Team: New York Mets
Position: Pitcher
Value of card: 1 K
Key 1990 stat: 3 million blue lasers shot from his backside
Here's a question: What does the K in K-Man stand for?
A) Ketchup
B) Kazoo
C) Keister
D) Kama Sutra
E) Kung fu
F) Kall of the above

Frank Viola, 1991 Score K-Man
Rick Cerone, 1982 Topps
Team: New York Yankees
Positions: Catcher, construction worker
Value of card: Two metal shavings in your eye
Key 1981 stat: Half a ton of drywall installed
Cruel and unusual punishment: The New York Yankees were disappointed after losing the 1981 World Series, wanting nothing more than to take the winter off and regroup. Owner George Steinbrenner had other plans. The Boss marched into the locker room after the deciding Game 6 and ordered all players to report the next morning, when they would begin to renovate Yankee Stadium — by themselves. For the next three months, sluggers swung sledge hammers instead of bats, pitchers placed flooring instead of fastballs and speedsters ran cable instead of basepaths. Above we see catcher Rick Cerone preparing to install a drainage pipe in the outfield. By spring training, the players were so bruised and worn they couldn't even practice, and slogged to a sub-.500 record in 1982. Cerone quit the team to begin an apprenticeship as a plumber.

Rick Cerone, 1982 Topps