Name: Mickey Hatcher
Team: Minnesota Twins
Positions: Outfield, lower than most
Value of card: One of the tiniest jockstraps ever made, used
Key 1985 stat: Zero pop flies missed
The Legend of mini-Mickey Hatcher: Mini-Mickey Hatcher was born to a caring family that was normal in almost every way, except for a gene carried across generations that halted growth at age 1. Mini-Mickey's mind and motor skills grew, but his body stayed at 1 foot, 8 inches year after year. Schoolmates often made fun of mini-Mickey, but he smiled through it, making friends easily with a personality that focused on fun. One Christmas, mini-Mickey's parents bought him a baseball glove; it was a gift he adored, a gift that changed his life. He kept that normal-size glove with him at all times, often curling up inside it when his eyes got heavy. As he grew older — not taller, mind you — he got better and better at baseball. He drew walks at an astounding rate and never missed a pop fly. He moved from Little League to high school ball to the minor leagues, all the while bringing along his cherished glove, his best friend. When mini-Mickey reached the big leagues, he brought the mitt with him. But on some nights, when he was asked to play catcher, he left the old glove at home. The Twins had given him a catcher's mitt that he liked, too, especially when he used it as a sofa.

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