Name: Mike Colbern
Team: Chicago White Sox
Position: Catcher
Value of card: See that grass in the back? Below it is mud. The value of this card is equal to the worth of the mud.
Key 1980 stat: 131 times wearing dirty "sox"
It's time to see what Mike Colbern stands for:
Mind was full of hope despite being left in a cow field by his teammates
Idealistic lad who didn't even mind wearing that uniform
Key to happiness: getting a photo taken in as awkward a pose as possible
Even a .259 career batting average couldn't make him frown
Candid photos like this one really let you see a professional athlete's humanity
Optimistic would be an understatement
Left arm probably hs never been in that position before
Bright smile, bright day, not-so-bright pose
Evidence of the power of positive thinking: He's happy to be shot by Topps
Rose-colored glasses were his eyewear of choice
Never met a glass he wouldn't drink from and still declare half-full

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