Name: Jim Jensen
Team: Miami Dolphins
Position: Wide receiver
Value of card: An ounce of pee-contaminated pool water
Key 1992 stat: Endless heckling after this photo
Here's what Jim Jensen stands for:
Jahoobies covered by strategically crossed arms
It's no mistake
Masculinity at its peak
Just like an actual dolphin, Jim makes his home underwater
Either that or he lost a bet with the photographer
Nice sunglasses-hat-necklace combo in the pool, bub
Scantily clad football players are always a treat
Equaled the number of receptions that we had in 1992
Needless to say, this guy's all wet

I'm...too sexy for my shirt...too sexy for my shirt...
ReplyDeleteI don't know, but that Zubaz hat does it for me.