Name: Bernie Kosar
Team: Cleveland Browns
Position: Quarterback
Value of card: Splinters
Key 1992 stat: Five times had to call the fire department to get him out of a tree
Fun facts about Bernie Kosar and trees:
- Trees are made of wood. Judging from the way he moved around the pocket, so was Kosar.
- A large tree, such as a mature oak, can use 110 gallons of water a day. Kosar, never mature enough to turn down a challenge, once chugged an equal amount of Stroh's in a day.
- Some trees, such as oaks, create seeds that fall to the ground. That's where most of Kosar's passes fell, as well.
- Trees are planted in soil. On game days, Kosar was also often planted in soil by the D-line.
- In the fall, many trees' leaves turn vibrant colors, such as red, orange and yellow. Kosar's shirt still put those trees to shame.

Still the last good QB the Browns have had. The Kosar Curse lives...27 and counting..