Names: Bo Jackson, Bart Simpson
Teams: Kansas City Royals, Springfield Isotopes
Positions: Outfield; Mischievous, catch phrase-spitting brat
Value of card: One pair of shorts, eaten
Key 1990 stats: 50 humorous chalkboard recitations; 50 massive bubbles blown
It's time for The Matchup, Bo Week-style:
Round 1: Short-shorts (Winner: Bart)
Round 2: Bubbles coming from mouth (Winner: Tie)
Round 3: Bulge (Winner: Bo)
Round 4: Anatomical makeup allowing for bulge (Winner: Bo)
Round 5: Hovering height (Winner: Bart)
Round 6: Random light-blue lump on shoulder (Winner: Bo)
Round 7: Size of head (Winner: Bart)
Round 8: Popularity among 12-year-olds in 1991 (Winner: Tie)
Round 9: Tiny headwear (Winner: Bo)
Score: Bo 4, Bart 3 (Ties, 2)
Synopsis: The competition was stiff, but, as is usually the case, a grown man with a bat beats a punk kid with a smart mouth and a skateboard.

Bo Jackson, 1991 Bo Knows Bart (Bo Week, No. 2)