Name: Doug Gilmour
Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Positions: Center, forward (With the ladies, a forward center.)
Value of card: Three bags of dust
Key 1991-92 stat: 136 days playing dress-up
10 explanations for Gilmour being dressed like this, given that the Pinnacle Sidelines series highlights what players do in the offseason:
10) Gilmour appeared in the off-off-off Broadway play "Sticks and Chaps."
9) Gilmour enjoyed eating 3 Musketeers chocolate bars — a little too much.
8) Gilmour, when not playing in the NHL, played for the Novosibirsk Buckaroos of the Russian Federation Hockey League.
7) Gilmour needed an excuse to wear your sister's underpants around his neck.
6) Gilmour, even when not in season, was always looking for a hat trick.
5) Gilmour starred in a spaghetti western — a Chef Boyardee commercial.
4) Gilmour was the star of Toronto's 12th annual Zamboni Rodeo
Sambora envy.
2) Gilmour's mullet gained consciousness, took over its host's mind, and started making all the fashion decisions.
1) In Canada in 1992, you didn't need an explanation for dressing like this.

Doug Gilmour, 1992-93 Pinnacle Sidelines (Hockey Week No. 2)