Name: Dick Davis
Team: Milwaukee Brewers
Position: Outfield
Value of card: Take the number of letters in his first name and divide by 4. That's the value in cents.
Key 1980 stat: Four ounces of cheese in beard
Clearing up some rumors about Dick Davis:
- Dick Davis did not have a gold tooth. That's actually foil from the entire, still-wrapped package of Rolos he just stuffed in his mouth.
- Dick Davis was not angry about having his picture taken. He was angry about not having any more Rolos.
- Dick Davis was not a defensive liability. He was a defensive irresponsibility.
- Dick Davis was not the forerunner to Fernando Rodney's style of hat-wearing. He'd just been sleeping in his full uniform again.
- Dick Davis' photos was not the worst one in the 1981 Topps set. This one was.