Names: Dave Henderson (bottom), Jerry Browne
Teams: Oakland A's, Cleveland Indians
Positions: Outfield, second base, entangled
Value of card: One California Lotto Triple Play scratcher ticket, pre-scratched, no matching numbers
Key 1991 stat: One fun-filled afternoon horsin' around
A touchy-feely installment of The Matchup:
Round 1: Youthful exuberance (Winner: Tie)
Round 2: Subtle copped feel (Winner: Henderson)
Round 3: Flip-up sunglasses (Winner: Browne)
Round 4: Eye-scarring brightness of socks (Winner: Henderson)
Round 5: Little-kid climbing ability (Winner: Browne)
Round 6: Tooth gap (Winner: Henderson)
Round 7: Homoerotic tendencies (Winner: Tie)
Score: Henderson 3, Browne 2 (Ties: 2)
Synopsis: Sure, it was just a couple of dudes horsing around on the diamond touching each other in just the right places and in just the right ways, but Henderson proved that copping a feel can be a victory unto itself as well as a part of a bigger victory.
... and you thought that post was bad: The great minds at Donruss had their own cheesy jokes, and decided to include the bits of genius on the back of the card: "These guys could go on the pro-wrestling circuit. Dave Henderson of the Athletics has his arm locked around Jerry Browne's leg and looks like he's giving a piggy-back ride." Feel free to smash your keyboard into a wall now.

Dave Henderson and Jerry Browne, 1992 Donruss Triple Play