Name: Ron Gant
Teams: Atlanta Braves, Dream Team
Position: Outfield
Value of card: 35-cent coupon to Kmart
Key 1987 stat: 27 "blue-light specials" (wink, wink)
A sampling of Ron Gant's dreams circa 1988:
- He dreamed he had a flowing mullet that angels kissed and fairies stroked.
- He dreamed he was falling — into great prices at his local Kmart superstore.
- He dreamed he was a sex symbol whose muscular physique led millions of new fans to appreciate the game of "hardball."
- He dreamed he was a man with an incredibly short full name, Ron Gan.
- He dreamed he showed up to a baseball game wearing his Sunday's best belt.
- He dreamed his pencil-thin mustache grew as bushy as the ivy at Wrigley Field.
- He dreamed he was part of an incredible team of dream athletes, a Dream Team, if you will.