Name: Salomon Torres
Team: San Francisco Giants
Positions: Pitcher, pitch man
Value of card: 3 ounces of 2-week-old leftover coffee grounds
Key 1991 stat: Zero of his high school sophomore year classes attended
Advertisement (mostly translated) for Dominican Republic beisbols, circa 1991: "Howdy,
beisbol fans. I'm 15-year-old Salomon Torres, one of the Dominican Republic's brightest pitching prospects, and I'm here to tell you about
beisbols. You might not have ever seen one of these round, white
beisbols. We all grew up playing with rocks, rolled-up corn husks or goat feces wrapped in string, but now we have
beisbols, the revolutionary invention that will allow us to become even better players in that hellhole to the north, Los Estados Unidos. So put down the dung and grab a
beisbol, kid. In two years, with a little bit of
'bols, you might just be the next Salomon Torres."

Salomon Torres, 1992 Bowman