Name: Willie Upshaw
Team: Toronto Blue Jays
Position: Hitting coach
Value of card: Something sticky on your shoes
Key 1996 stat: 841 candy bars eaten
Fun facts about Willie Upshaw and candy bars:
- Candy bars always sound good, but are bad for you in the long run. Willie Upshaw never really sounded good and was definitely bad in the long run.
- Some candy bars come in a "king size" variety. Willie Upshaw had king-size eyeglasses.
- Some candy bars are advertised as being light and fluffy. Willie Upshaw's mustache was the opposite of that.
- If you leave a candy bar in your pocket, it will get too warm and melt. Willie Upshaw would still eat that candy bar.
- Candy bars sometimes contain nuts. You had to have been nuts to make Willie Upshaw your hitting coach.